Sustainable Development

The Bodet Group’s commitments

The objectives of the Bodet Group are to ensure the sustainability and development of the group while protecting the environment and people.

To this end, Bodet has initiated a responsible approach to ongoing improvement and pursues economic development that respects the environment, social progress and the local region.



Social & Human Rights

social & human rights



EcoVadis Silver logo

Our approach is certified by EcoVadis, the global leader in CSR performance evaluation and responsible purchasing.

Our actions are evaluated and scored annually, after which we are given a rating. In 2021, Bodet received the “Silver” rating.

ONU Global Compact logo

In line with this approach, the Bodet Group participates in the UN Global Compact, the world’s corporate sustainability initiative.

Since 2021, the Bodet Group has been committed to the United Nations Global Compact corporate sustainability initiative and its principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.

By joining the Global Compact, Bodet is supporting the objectives of the Global Compact while leaning on an inspiring network to advance its progress.

The environment, our future

Bodet’s collective and individual initiatives, such as the construction of our eco-designed buildings or employee awareness-raising, are based on an overall philosophy. 
All of these initiatives are aimed at reducing the impact of Bodet’s activities on the environment.

Bodet’s environmental initiatives

Certified ISO 14001 since 2011, our production site manages these environmental aspects throughout the life cycle of the products, from their design and manufacture to the deployment and maintenance of the installations. Our products are mainly manufactured at the Trémentines site, which gives us excellent control over environmental impacts.

The Bodet teams are trained and committed to controlling fossil fuels, processes, waste management, the recycling of packaging for internal flows, etc.

In broader terms, the group has initiated specific actions in favour of the environment within all its subsidiaries:

  • Reduce our greenhouse gas emissions: optimise the Bodet vehicle fleet, improve heating/air conditioning/lighting systems in buildings
  • Reduce the use of natural resources: sort and recycle our waste, reduce IT consumables, reduce paper printouts, maintain equipment rather than buying new
  • Design and select more environmentally friendly products: eco-design, use recyclable and/or recycled raw materials, improve product durability
  • Promote the management of end-of-life products: reuse plastics in new products, collaborate with players in the recycling sector
Bodet recycles its waste

By the end of 2020, over 90% of our waste was sorted and recovered. The focus of our latest project is the sorting and recycling of plastic waste: this waste is fully recycled into new products or used to generate energy.

Every year, the company re-evaluates these environmental aspects as part of an ongoing improvement process aimed at reducing its impact on the environment.

Our commitments


ISO 14001 certification

ISO 14001 

Control our impact 
on the environment

Production Made in France

Made in France

Use of recyclable 
or recycled materials

Ecocyclerie partnership


Recycling of our 

Social responsibility: doing our part every day

Improve the working conditions of our employees, develop skills through training, promote equal opportunities – all these issues are covered in an ambitious HR policy in line with our family group values.

Gender equality index

Gender equality index

Each year, Bodet publishes its workplace gender equality index. 
A score out of 100 points is calculated according to 4 or 5 indicators, allowing the company to make progress in terms of equal pay for women and men.

  pay gap
pay rise rate gap
pay rise
rate gap
promotion rate gap
rate gap
returns from maternity leave
returns from
maternity leave
10 highest salaries
highest salaries
Overall score 2021
score 2025


34 /40

20 /20

15 /15

15 /15

5 /10


Bodet Time & Sport

33 /40

35 /35


15 /15

0 /10


Bodet SA

29 /40

35 /35


15 /15

5 /10


Bodet Campanaire


35 /35



0 /10


(period from 01.10.2023 to 30.09.2024)

Bodet, signatory to the Diversity Charter

The Bodet Group is a committed signatory to the diversity charter, which it supports through its actions in the fight against discrimination. This charter aims to promote equal opportunities and diversity in all its aspects.

Our commitment helps develop a management style that respects differences and is based on trust.

In keeping with this commitment, Bodet plays an active role in supporting the local area (Pays de Loire region):


  • Promote access to education (scholarship for low-income or socially disadvantaged students)
  • Develop skills (innovation centre)




high performance sport

  • Support athletes and clubs that raise the prestige of the local region

CB - Cholet 
Basket Pro

SCO - Angers 
Football - Ligue 1

BACH - Cholet 
Badminton - Top 12

Ethics: committing to responsibility

As a family business, we have opted for a structure on a human scale and sustainable development.

Bodet Supplier Charter

In line with our social and environmental approach, we promote French manufacturing and rely on local partners.

Our objective is to control our supply channels in accordance with an ethical and responsible approach and to work with partners who have the same objectives as Bodet in terms of sustainable development.

Most of our subcontractors are based in the west of France. We ask the suppliers we work with to commit to and sign our “Supplier Charter”. This charter describes our expectations regarding the environment, social issues, ethics and responsible purchasing.

The majority of Bodet partners are local

The advantages of local 

  • Improved reaction times: reduced transport and delivery times
  • Adjust for a one-off increase in market demand
  • Control quality by visiting our partners at their premises (and vice versa)
  • Maintain our carbon footprint by significantly reducing transport distances
  • Maintain an internal workload at Bodet, thereby preserving expertise in certain trades

of our partners 
are located within 
a 100km radius

of our partners 
are located in France

Our environmental impact is a constant concern in the development of our products.